Thursday, October 20, 2011

Occupy Wall Street is not political or economic; It's Personal


Editor's note: Maria Cardona is a Democratic strategist, a principal at the Dewey Square Group, a former senior adviser to Hillary Clinton, and former communications director for the Democratic National Committee.
(CNN) -- I appeared on a couple of segments on CNN this week where the topic was the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations. A question raised was whether this was political. The Republican/tea party spokesperson said yes, arguing that labor unions were behind it (in fact the labor unions did not join until this week). I said it was economic, but political in the sense that you have a political party -- the GOP -- entrenched with the wealthy and Wall Street while doing nothing to protect middle-class America. But I was wrong. It is not economic. And it is not political. It is personal.

Posted via email from In My Opinion

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