Saturday, August 28, 2010

It Looks Like it. Reads Like It. Feels Like it... Definitely Must Be A SCAM!!!

I got this email today. Normally I don't even have time to read through emails I don't recognize at a glance seemed structured slightly differently. In as much as I like making 26 million dollars over night, I know my luck can't be this good. Beware! Temptation has a new mask.

Owen Brown 

 to me
show details 5:13 AM (3 hours ago)

From Sgt Owen Brown  in Iraq .




Good Friend,


This is Sgt Owen Brown, Presently stationed with the 3rd Infantry Division in Kalsu South West of Basra of Iraq. I will like to share some very vital information that would bring some good financial returns to us in just a few weeks or days depending on how fast we pursue the matter.


I am seeking your assistance to evacuate the sum of $25.7m to your safe custody, as long as I can be assured that it will be safe in your care until I complete my service here.


Confirm this on:  


This may not be the best medium to make this kind of contact because of the numerous scam offers transmitted through the Internet, but it is all I have access to for now.


I will be very grateful if you can give me the opportunity to discuss this matter with you by assuring me that you will not use any part of it against me in anyway, I hope you understand my limitations here. I will await a mail from you.


Sincere Regards,

Sgt Owen Brown . 

Posted via email from In a Dozen Words or Less

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