Wednesday, March 28, 2012

My Ultimate GreenX Juicing Recipe (PS: Not Meant For Chumps!)


- 1/3 of Green Grapes
- 1/4 Bag of Broccoli
- 1 Green Pepper
- 1/4 Bag of Celery
- 1/2 Bag of Spinach
- 2 Green Apples
- 2 Avocados
- 1/2 Teaspoon of Dry Ginger [Optional]
- 1/2 Teaspoon of Lemon Juice [Optional]
- 1 Cucumber
- 1 Can of crushed pineapple
- 1 Can of Chobani (Orange/Pineapple)
- 1 Banana [Optional]
- 5 Strawberries [Optional]
- 1 Glass of Almond Milk
- 5 Scopes of Wheat Protein - Vanilla [Optional]
- (Add water accordingly)

Cost: $15.68

Quantity: 6Liters of Rich Concentrated Juice

Pro Vitamin A, B, C, E, K Protein, Magnesium, Iron, Potassium, Phosphorous, Sodium, Calcium

Ingredients purchased from Stop N Shop or your local supermarket.


- Keep all non-distinct tasting ingredients to an even quantity
- Keep distinct tasting ingredients such as ginger or lemon juice to minimum
- Lemon juice and pineapple help preserve the juice for a bit longer
- Juice should be consumed within a week or frozen if excess.
- It is important that all ingredients are bought fresh and properly washed before juicing
- Avoid over-blending
- Do not throw pulp. Good source for fiber.


Why Green?

When you hear the word "chlorophyll", you may vaguely remember this word from Biology in school. To some of you, the word may mean almost nothing, other than the green thing in plants.

Yes, it is "the green thing" in plants, the phytochemical that makes plants green. But, it is also a very important proteinous compound that acts as our internal healer, cleanser, antiseptic, cell stimulator, rejuvenator and red blood cell builder, just as it is the "lifeblood" of the plant.

Chlorophyll is a green photosynthetic pigment found in abundance in leaves of plants (vegetables). It absorbs sunlight and changes it into chemical energy for the plant.

Posted via email from The Butterfly's Nest

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